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Computer Camp

Web design and software development are perhaps the most sought-after skills in this hi-tech era. For tech-savvy students who want a leg up on the competition by building critical computer skills early in life, or for students who just love gaming, design and logic, Education Unlimited’s Computer Camp offers hands-on instruction in both creative and practical computer skills. Experienced instructors encourage students to use their imaginations while exploring fundamental and emerging technologies and software.

Why an Education Unlimited Computer Camp?

  • Individualized Instruction: Education Unlimited seeks to offer the most personalized instruction possible, with separate sessions for elementary, middle school, and high school campers that break students into groups based upon skill level. Students are placed in small classes with remarkably low student to teacher ratios. On the first day, instructors assess each student’s previous experience and knowledge in order to challenge them appropriately and provide a fun, tailored learning experience.
  • A Computer for Each Student: Each student receives his/her up-to-date PC during the course of the program. 
  • Skilled Instructors. We recruit instructors from top Universities and/or hire experienced industry professionals. Each instructor has a specialty in some aspect of web design and/or computer programming, in addition to experience working with K-12 students.
  • University Campus Life: Students at Computer Camp stay on university campuses in the heart of American computer innovation—the San Francisco Bay Area. Participants eat in university dining halls and take classes on-campus. During breaks from the rigorous academic curriculum, they play sports on sprawling green quads, watch movies in dorm lounges, and get a taste of the exciting life of a college student on a prestigious campus.
  • Challenging Core Curriculum: Each session gives students an opportunity to focus on a particular specialty. 

Summer 2019 Courses (click for course descriptions, dates and locations):

Python: Let's Code

  • Stanford               July 28 - Aug 2:                Rising 5th - 8th grade

Java Programming 1

  • Stanford                  July 21 - July 27:           Rising 9th - 12th grade

Java Programming 2

  • Stanford        July 28 - August 3:                  Rising 9th - 12th grade

Graphic Design & 3D Imaging

  • Stanford        July 14 - July 20:           Rising 9th - 12th grade

Elementary Week: Snap: A foundation for programming + Webdesign

  • Stanford            June 30 - July 5:          Rising 4th - 6th grade 

Web Design - CSS & HTML 

  • Stanford              July 21 - Jul 26:          Rising 6th - 8th grade

  • Stanford              July 28 - Aug 3:          Rising 9th - 12th grade

  • Stanford              Aug 4 - Aug 9:            Rising 6th - 8th grade


Our 2019 courses by grade:

Elementary School: Rising 4th - 6th grade

Middle School: Rising 5th - 8th grade

High School: Rising 9th - 12th grade


A few words from our Computer Camp Campers!

"My son enjoyed it [web development course, Stanford], and I felt it worth the money for the following reasons.

  • 8 hours/day of teaching on web development covering coding that my son didn't know as well as reviewing areas my son did know

  • Field trip to computer museum to see history of computer science 

  • Students had to come up with a presentation by end of week and had to to a crash project to demonstrate that they learned something.  Presentations were done in a classroom. All had impressive projects

  • Students also get one field trip to Santa Cruz Boardwalk to relax and get to hang with each other.

  • International and national student exposure.  My son's roommate was from Arkansas.  Some of his classmates were from Florida and London, England and New York City.

  • I extensively spoke to [the instrictors] Michael and Navid.  Navid really put thought into this program.  Michael has real world practical experience in web development and CS programming, so he had great advice to help me guide my son.

  • I looked at [other Bay Area computer camps], but after searching reviews on the internet, they seemed to be more into providing fun games and times for kids and less on class time of real programming.  My son had to do intense work on his web presentation.

  • Finally it was good for my son to get out and experience the college life.  I think parents who enroll kids in this course are looking for more serious courses." 

— Jacob L., parent

"The best feature of this camp was the amazing amount of time we spent doing practice applications with the programming language, gaining lots of hands on experience." — Murtaza Munaim 

“(The instructor) is fun and lets us learn hands-on and is there when we need help...I want to come back.” — Cathy McDermott 


Computer Camp - Staff Profiles

Education Unlimited believes in small-group, immersive learning with subject matter experts and experienced teachers. We strive to provide industry-leading instruction to all of our students and hold all staff to the highest possible standards. Staff assignments vary by program and location. Some of our recent staff members for this program include:

Check back closer to the start of camp for details on our 2025 staff.

We will continue to add additional staff members as enrollment and availability dictate. Details are posted on additional staff members as they are confirmed.

Upcoming Camps

Computer Programming

Education Unlimited's Computer Programming offerings go beyond simply interacting with a computer. Instead, campers will dive into writing their own codes to create executable software that run on their computers. While each programming language has its own unique strengths and uses, Java and Python are two popular and indispensable languages for any programmer. 

Python: Let's code!

The campers will learn about algorithms, loops, debugging, conditionals, and events in activities and in prog...

Elementary Week: SNAP

SNAP: A foundation for programming + Webdesign

The campers will learn about algorithms, loops, debugging, conditionals, and events in activities and in programming using Snap, the drag-and-drop visual programming language. Engaging activities both on the computer and off will prepare the students to dive into other programming languages moving forward. Campers will spend 2/3 of the time learning about the programming concepts and applying them using Snap. In addition, they will also spend 1/...

Graphic Design/3D Imaging

The graphic design week of Computer Camp will explore the theory and principles behind graphic design as well as provide hands-on experience with computer-aided design. The campers will be introduced to a history of graphic design as well as current day trends in design. Focusing on graphic designs impetus to web applications, such as wire-framing, visualizing UI-UX possibilities, still imagery editing and an in-depth understanding of the tools of Photoshop. We will also explore the functions...

Web Design

Education Unlimited's Web Design series introduces and familiarizes campers with the process of creating and scheming interactive websites and applications. By using tools including HTML, CSS, and Javascript, campers will learn the mechanics of webpage layouts, content production, and elements of graphic design. 

Web Design - CSS & HTML 

This is an introductory course to the fundamentals of web development using HTML and CSS to structure and design a webpage. HTML and CSS are core languages...